Parallel Programming - Projects

HW1 : Odd - Even Sort

Odd-Even Sort image

HW2 : Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot Set image

  • Spec
  • Increase the computation time of sequential Mandelbrot Set using Dynamic Load Balancing and Vectorization.
  • Complete with two version: 2a : Pthread only 2b : Hybrid with MPI and OpenMP

  • Ranked 5th out of 64 students in the class
  • Handcrafted dynamic task assignment with Master and Slave workpool using MPI Send() and Recv().
    Github repository - Mandelbrot Set

HW3 : All-Pair Shortest Path (CPU version)

HW3 image

HW4-1: Block All-Pair Shortest Path (GPU CUDA version)

Blocked APSP
Blocked APSP-3phases

  • Spec
  • Number of Vertices: from 2 to 40000
  • Number of Edges: from 0 to V*(V-1)

HW4-2: Block All-Pair Shortest Path (Multi-GPU version)

Final Project: Parallelize RRT*

  • Parallelize sequential version RRT and RRT* algorithms.


RRT startRRT end

RRT* startRRT* end

Presentation Slide

Github repository - RRT*-PPFinal