Operating System Project - NachOS

Complete Four Machine Problems with NachOS:

Machine Problem 1 - System Call

Complete 4 system calls:


MP1 report

Machine Problem 2 - Multi-Programming

Enable multi-thread programming in nachOS.

MP2 report

Machine Problem 3 - CPU Scheduling

  • Multi-level Feedback Queue Scheduilng 3 Levels:
    Level 1 - Preemptive Shortest Job First
    Level 2 - Non-preemptive Priority Scheduling
    Level 3 - Round-Robin with Time Quantum : 100 ticks
    MP3 report

Machine Problem 4 - File System

Part I: Enhance nachOS file system to support larger file size: 64 MB per file
original : 4KB
Part II: Support subdirectories, maximum 255 characters for each absolute path. (-mkdir)
Part III: Recursive Operation on file system. For example: Recursive List(-lr), Recursive Remove(-rr)
MP4 report

Github repository - OS Project