Mobile Robots

Hockey Robot Contest:

Check Point 1 - ROS Basics

  • Use rosserial library to perform ROS communication between raspberry Pi 3 and Arduino UNO R3 board.

Checkpoint 1 Report
Github repository - MobileRobots-checkpoint 1

Check Point 2 - Motion Control

  • The robot has two geared-motor with encoders.
  • Use PID feedback control to control the speed of the robot acturators.
  • Given PWM signals to control each individual motor.

Checkpoint 2 Report
Github repository - MobileRobots-checkpoint 2

Check Point 3 - Sensor + Actuation

checkpoint 3 demo video

  • Use only 14 seconds to complete both obstacle avoidance and target achievement.

Full Assembly:

CP3 Assembly Picture

Full Assembly (Side view) :

CP3 Assembly Picture

The two obstacle avoidance touch sensors:

Touch Sensors

Light Sensor (Inside the black box) and the GOAL touch sensor

Light Sensor

Checkpoint 3 Report
Github repository - MobileRobots-checkpoint 3

Check Point 4 - Full Function Demonstration

  • The robot should find the LED Light puck, capture it and find the correct goal door and put the puck into it.
  • The specified goal door would emit Infrared Signals and the robot should tell which beacon is the correct goal.

Checkpoint 4 Report
Github repository - MobileRobots-checkpoint 4

Final Project: Hector SLAM + ROS 2D Navigation

  • Use RPLidar and the hockey robot platform we built to perform Hector SLAM in unstructure environment.
  • Use ROS 2D Navigation Stack to perform 2-D navigation with Hector SLAM on our robot.

PPT report
PDF report

Github repository - MobileRobotsFinalProject