LoCoBot Projects

Demo 01 - Motion Control with Odometry Localization

This task is to control the robot to move to the specify points with correct orientations.
The robot localizes itself using odometry.
Demo 01 video

Demo 02 - Navigation using vSLAM with D435 depth camera

Notes: The robot navigates the environment using vSLAM with depth camera Intel Realsense D435, NOT simply follows the line!! (The line is for human to verify the precision of the robot performance, it’s for grading.)

Demo 02 video

Final Contest - Object Classification and Recycling

  • First Stage: Motion Control from starting point to goal location
  • Second Stage: Classify objects’ colors and location using D435 camera
  • Third Stage: Grab the object and place it to its corresponding bin using LoCoBot manipulator.

Github repository - Robotic-System-Course

A* navigation on LoCoBot

  • Use A* algorithm to find a path to the goal (the red backpack).
    Demo video

Trail Following using Transfer Learning and Convolutional Neural Network

Demo video